Monday, 19 December 2011

Christmas is around the corner

Last week Suee gave me some really cool Christmas goodies.

We had fun playing the pairing cards. I told her this is way better than an LV bag. I just wish I have more friends who can appreciate this game to play with.

I still need to work

Dear all,
I might not be able to resign after all. :( So I won't be as free as you and I thought.
If I have made some prior promises before that I already forgotten, please verify with me again. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
I am still in shock and trying to cope from the shock.


Monday, 5 December 2011


Suee came to see me yesterday to celebrate my birthday. We went to Ichiban Boshi. We had some nice food.

She ordered an ankake soup and it was delicious. She said she will try to cook it one day.

We shared a nice sashimi over rice. It was with sesame oil, soy sauce and some chillies, so chinese style!

I got a nice soap from Kaleidoscope and a cute matryoshka ceramic dish and some capsule stickers. Thanks Suee and Huang Mei Li!!